How old is my cat in human years?



How To Train My Cat

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Cats can live a long time. The oldest cat was Creme Puff who lived until he was 38, and the oldest living cat today is Great Grandmother Wad who is 34!

But how old is that compared with a human?

Here’s how to work it out. After their first year they are 15 in human years. Teenagers! After 2 years they are 25 human years. After that, your cat ages 4 human years for every actual year. So if your kitty is 5 years old, that’s equivalent to 36 human years. If your cat is 10 years old then that’s 56 human years.

Once they hit 12 years, that’s the same as 64 human years. In other words your cat is soon to become a senior ‘catizen’.

But just think of Creme Puff who was 144 human years when he shuffled off this mortal coil! And Longcat, the Internet’s earliest meme cat, died at the age of 18 cat years, a ripe old age. Vale Longcat!