Cat Tail Language



How To Train My Cat

Cat Tail Language How to train a cat
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Cat Tail Language

Your cat can’t chat with you in your language – but you can learn what is going on in their heads by watching their tails. A cat’s tail tells you what their mood is and what is going on inside their head.

Tales of the Cat Tail

Watch your cat in various situations, and observe where its tail is. Is it held high? Is it twitching? Is it swishing? All are indicators of your cat’s mood.

Tail Position: Tail Held High

Happy and confident

When your cat walks with its tail held high that’s a good sign. It means that they are confident and content. Usually, this is when they are in their own territory and are feeling safe, and know what’s going on.

Sometimes the end of the tail will twitch. That’s a sign of a particularly happy mood. Cat’s with tails up like this are happy and willing to be friendly. 

Hot to train a cat blog cat high tail

Tail Position: High and Curved

Playful and fun-loving

If your cat is holding his tail high and it is curved, rather like a question mark, it means that they are in a happy and playful mood.

Your cat wants to interact with you and have fun, so take a break and indulge in some fun, cat-style. 

If your kitty is touching your face, as in the image, it is a sign of love and affection.